Get Rid Of Duplicates In Scratch Live

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HOW TO: Remove Duplicates
From Your iTunes Library
Created: 10/19/2004 Updated: 09/08/2011 By: Staff

As your iTunes Library grows,you will probably lose track of exactly what media you have alreadyimported and eventually you will end up with duplicate songs, book, podcasts and videos. For example, you might accidentally import a CD twice or add files from Limewire or BitTorrent. Or maybe you ripped a lot of stuff off a friend's iPod, iPhone or iPad recently.


Here are a few tips and techniques on how to get rid ofduplicate media in your iTunes Library as well as some precautions youshould take before deleting duplicate files.


  • any computer withiTunes 4.7 or higher installed (Mac or PC)
  • duplicate songs, books and videosin your iTunes Library

DeletingDuplicate Content - Using iTunes Izotope authorization code.

Whether you've downloadedmusic, ripped DVDs or imported songs from CDs, you may have a few duplicate filescausing clutter in your iTunes collection. Here's how to find andget rid of any duplicate content in your iTunes Library:

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  1. Open iTunes
  2. Select 'Display Duplicates' or 'Show Duplicates' fromthe either from the File menu (File > ShowDuplicates)
    or the Edit (Edit > ShowDuplicates) or View menu (View > ShowDuplicates). This will vary depending on what version of iTunes you have installed.
  3. Analyze the meta data of your duplicates. You will now see allthe media that you have doubles for in your iTunes Library. Forexample, take a look at the image below. We have two copies of theAliceCooper song 'School's Out .' Shouldwe delete one of them? Not so fast. Take a closer look at the Album column.
    Thesetwo tracks may be the same song, but they are from two different albums;the DazedAnd Confused moviesoundtrack and a compilation called MulletsRock. Same songs, different albums. If you were in this situation, should youdelete one of them? This entirely depends on you. If you are shorton hard drive space, then you might want to delete one of the tracks. At the office, we have a 2TBLacie drive with plenty of hard drive space for our musicand will keep both songs. But if you have duplicate songs from the samealbum, probably delete one of them.
  4. Before deleting a duplicatefile, there are several things you should take into consideration.
    • Play each file tomake sure they importedproperly and sound and lookgood. You don'twant to delete a good version of a song and keep a bad one.
    • Viewthe meta data of your duplicate tracks before deleting them.You can right-click on any song in iTunes or select 'GetInfo' fromthe File menu (File > Get Info). You might have twoversions of he same file, but are they really the same? Werethey imported at the same bit rate? Are they the samefile size? Do they both have artwork?
      Here's a good exampleof why you should check all duplicate tracks before deletingthem. Let's say your friend gave you a bunch of songs and you imported all of them into your iTunes Library. You already had a few of thesongs they gave you and you ended up with some duplicates whichyou quickly deleted. Then later, you realize that many of the songsyour friend gave you were purchased using their iTunes Music Store accountand you can't play them without their iTunes password. But now it's too late. You already deleted your songs and now you have to reimport your CDsand even repurchase some songs from the iTunesMusic Store.
    • Consider makinga backup of your duplicate iTunes files before deleting them for good(see example above). You can make a new Playlist in iTunesand drag these duplicate songs and videos into this playlist. Then burnthem to CD/DVD-ROM in case you need them in the future.
  5. You can now manuallydelete these songs, but be careful! These duplicates might be fromLive albums, soundtracks or even from a'Greatest Hits' CD. Take a look at the image below. I havethree copies of the Alice In Chains song 'A Little Bitter.' Twoof them look like they are from the same album. The third track isa remix version of 'A Little Bitter' from the Alice In Chainsbox set.
  6. To 'Show All Songs' againyou can select 'ShowAll Songs' from the File, Edit or View menu (depends on what version iTunes you are using) or click on the button that says 'ShowAll Songs' at the bottom of your iTunes window (File > ShowAll Songs).
NERDNOTE: iTunes 4.7 was the first version of theprogram that allowed users to easily display duplicate tracksin their Libraries. iTunes 4.7 was released on October 27,2004. [Source: Wikipedia]

DeletingDuplicate Songs - Using VBScript

This next method uses VBScript and will only work for Windows users. If you are unfamiliar with VBScript, it's a coding language that allows you to make your own custom program for your PC. To run the duplicate song killer VBScript below, just follow these steps:

  • Click here to open the VBScript in a new browser window.
  • Copy and paste the script into a new Notepad document (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad).
  • Edit line #2 and replace 'DaCeige' with your username. DaCeige is the reader who wrote the script.
    • C:UsersDaCeigeMusiciTunesiTunes Music
  • Save the Notepad file using a file name like 'DupKiller.vbs' Notepad will automatically try to add '.txt' to your text files. You MUST add the file extension '.vbs' to your file.
  • Double click on the file called 'DupKiller.vbs' on your desktop. This will make a shortcut to the script.
  • That's it. Just double click on the shortcut for now on to run the script.
  • You may see a warning window from Norton AntiVirus when trying to run this script. Just select the option that allows this script to run. But always be cautious before running a VBScript. Never run a VBScript without inspecting it first. Many times people will try to hide viruses in VBScripts.

Here's the VB script below if you want to inspect or copy it. You can also use the link above to download the script as a text file:

Get Rid Of Duplicates Sql

Alternate Waysto Manage Duplicate Songs in iTunes

Several third party softwarecompanies and programmers have developed ways to help manage duplicatesongs in iTunes. Here is a short list you might find useful:

  • Corral All Dupes (Doug'sAppleScripts)
  • iTunes Dupes Barrier (HyperbolicSoftware)
  • iTunes VBScript DupeKiller (JoshG.)

Final Thoughts

Duplicate media files in youriTunes Library can be a pain in the ass, but they can be taken careof with a little patience and know-how. Whether or not you use iTunesto manage your duplicates or an alternate option, you should alwaysexercise caution before deleting your music.

A very useful application of subsetting data is to find and remove duplicate values. R has a useful function, duplicated(), that finds duplicate values and returns a logical vector that tells you whether the specific value is a duplicate of a previous value. This means that for duplicated values, duplicated() returns FALSE for the first occurrence and TRUE for every following occurrence of that value, as in the following example:

If you try this on a data frame, R automatically checks the observations (meaning, it treats every row as a value). So, for example, with the data frame iris:

If you look carefully, you notice that row 143 is a duplicate (because the 143rd element of your result has the value TRUE). You also can tell this by using the which() function:

Now, to remove the duplicate from iris, you need to exclude this row from your data. Remember that there are two ways to exclude data using subsetting:

  • Specify a logical vector, where FALSE means that the element will be excluded. The ! (exclamation point) operator is a logical negation. This means that it converts TRUE into FALSE and vice versa. So, to remove the duplicates from iris, you do the following:

  • Specify negative values. In other words:

Get Rid Of Duplicates In Scratch Livermore

In both cases, you’ll notice that your instruction has removed row 143.