Mixxx Increase Speed

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Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT), or HyperThreading (HT) as Intel calls it, can make some programs faster but makes realtime audio software like Mixxx much more likely to glitch. Most modern computers have SMT enabled by default. On some computers, it can be disabled in the BIOS/EFI firmware settings when booting your computer. These settings can be accessed by pressing a key as the computer is turning on. Which key you need to press is different on every computer, so watch if it says on screen or refer to the computer manufacturer's documentation. Unfortunately some computers do not have an option to disable SMT/HyperThreading in the BIOS/EFI settings. On these computers, SMT can still be disabled when using Linux by setting the “nosmt” kernel parameter as described below.

  1. Increase Speed Of Computer
  2. Exercises To Increase Speed

SMT makes the CPU appear to the OS as if each physical CPU core was 2 cores (thus a dual core processor seems like it has 4 cores or a quad core processor seems like it has 8 cores). This allows two threads to switch off between using one CPU core, which may be beneficial for software that makes heavy use of parallel processing. However, realtime audio software like Mixxx requires reliable, uninterrupted time to use the CPU to avoid audio glitches (xruns). When two threads share the same CPU core with SMT, it is much more likely that Mixxx (or other realtime audio software) will not generate the audio it needs in time so you and your audience will hear a glitch.

Additionally, there is a ColorMapper class to map the MIDI values for colors supported by the controller to RGB color codes. Mixxx supports setting hotcues to any arbitrary color which may not exactly match what the controller hardware supports, so use ColorMapper to match colors to the nearest color supported by the controller. Although Mixxx 2.2.3 contains many important updates and bugfixes, it's possible some users may experience issues. If you do, you can still get our previous stable version, Mixxx 2.1.8. Mixxx is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. You don't need to pay for Mixxx because you can get it here for free. Holding your mix together is the new Master Sync engine, a powerful feature that holds all of your tracks perfectly aligned even if you change the speed of the mix. Built-in Effects Mixxx's new effect processing system allows you to apply up to 4 chains of effects to any mixer channel.


The Numark Mixtrack Pro II is the successor of Numark Mixtrack Pro and features the same hardware with some minor design changes. The audio interface is recognized in Ubuntu 14.04 out of the box. Mixxx is a free, open-source DJ mixing console that turns your digital music collection into the source for a full range of mixing, programming, and effects for recording or live presentation. Home DJ software comparison Atomix VirtualDJ LE vs Mixxx. Atomix VirtualDJ LE. Comparison winner. 33 facts in comparison. Atomix VirtualDJ LE vs Mixxx. Time stretching is the process of changing the speed or duration of an audio signal without affecting its pitch. Atomix VirtualDJ LE.

Copy or symlink the Pioneer-DDJ-WeGO3-scripts.js and Pioneer-DDJ-WeGO3.midi.xml file to your user controller mapping folder.

In Mixxx, go to Preferences, Controllers, and select the first instance of PIONEER DDJ-WeGO3 (the MIDI controller, not the HID controller).

Enable the controller.

Open the Load Preset menu and scroll to the bottom. Select 'Pioneer DDJ-WeGO3' to load the mapping. If you see it twice, select the second one — the first one may be automatically created by Mixxx.

You can check the Input Mappings and Scripts tab to verify that everything loaded.

It gives you the power to unleash your creativity and shape your music in a million ways, with live looping and remixing, VST effects, harmonic mixing and more.You can manipulate tempo, volume, and EQ in real time, on-the-fly. Export your completed mix as an MP3 or burned to a CD using the integrated burning tools. It even records all your actions (not just the resulting audio), so you can go back, listen to your mix, and make precise adjustments with studio-style editing capabilities.Fusion's live performance capabilities can be expanded via connectivity with MIDI hardware controllers. You get the functionality of a loop editor or digital audio workstation, but you can blend songs together to create stunning DJ performances.MixMeister Fusion frees you from monotonous tasks like beat matching, setting cue points, and counting beats in your head. Whether you use it for live gigs or mix CD production, Fusion lets you achieve true performance perfection.It's also ingeniously easy to use. Can you activate a demo version of mixmeister 10.

Click OK and you should now be able to use your controller with Mixxx!

Controls & Features

Virtual Deck Support

On the left, switch between controlling deck 1 and 3 by pressing SHIFT + HEADPHONE SELECT A; likewise, switch between deck 2 and 4 on the right using SHIFT + HEADPHONE SELECT B.

Note: currently the only way to see which deck is active, without moving any controls, is to use the HEADPHONE SELECT A and HEADPHONE SELECT B headphone cue buttons and see which on-screen deck responds.

Slip mode and play/cue/crossfade protection

Turn slip mode on and off by pressing SHIFT + SYNC.

The SYNC LED will turn on to indicate that you are in non-slip mode.

Slip mode is turned on for all decks by default at startup.

By default, slip mode also turns on certain protections to prevent against unwanted bumps while working with the DDJ-WeGO3's physical layout:

  • CROSSFADER only works when slip mode is off for both active decks.
  • PLAY and CUE will not stop a playing deck if the deck is audible (deck volume is > 0).


  • PLAY and CUE work as intended, subject to the protections listed above.

  • SHIFT + PLAY will trigger a turntable-style brake.

  • SHIFT + CUE, while held, will censor (1x backspin in slip mode).


  • SYNC button turns on/off sync for the deck. Note that visual feedback for this will only be shown on-screen.


Increase Speed Of Computer

Use the outer ring of the platter to nudge. Use the surface to scratch.

Scratching is enabled for all decks. When slip mode is on, playback will resume as if the scratch never occurred.

Hold down SHIFT to increase speed of nudging and scratching. (Default factor is 10x)

Hot cues

Set HOT CUE / SAMPLER to hot cue mode.

Press 1 through 4 to set or trigger cue points.

Press SHIFT + 1 through SHIFT + 4 to unset cue points.

Beat looping

  • Use LOOP to start a 4-bar loop at the current point. Press again to exit the loop.
  • Use 1/2X and 2X to decrease and increase the size of the loop.

To get accurate in/out points, make sure Quantize mode is turned on for the deck before turning on looping.

Beat loop rolls

Set HOT CUE / SAMPLER to sampler mode.

Press and hold 1 through 4 to trigger a beat loop roll:

MegaSeg, Champaign, Illinois. 1,035 likes 46 talking about this. MegaSeg DJ mixing & radio automation software for Mac by Fidelity Media, Inc., with power features for audio/video playback, instant. MegaSeg, Champaign, Illinois. 1,036 likes 11 talking about this. MegaSeg DJ mixing & radio automation software for Mac by Fidelity Media, Inc., with power features for audio/video playback, instant. Megaseg dj deutsche bank.

Exercises To Increase Speed

  • 1: 1/4 beat
  • 2: 1/2 beat
  • 3: 1 beat
  • 4: 2 beats

Filters and levels

HI, MID, LOW, and channel faders work as expected.

SHIFT + HI will modify the low/high pass filter for that deck.

SHIFT + MID will modify the channel gain for that deck.

Kill switches

Set HOT CUE / SAMPLER to sampler mode.

Press and hold SHIFT + 1 through SHIFT + 4 to activate kills:

  • SHIFT + 1: mute
  • SHIFT + 2: kill highs
  • SHIFT + 3: kill mids
  • SHIFT + 4: kill lows


  • Use FX1 through FX3 to toggle the first three effects in the chain for that deck.
  • Use SHIFT + FX1 through SHIFT + FX3 to toggle headphone output for the first three effects in the chain.

Note: No controls on the WeGO3 are mapped to effect modulators. To change those, use your mouse/trackpad or a separate controller.

Playlist and loading

  • Turn BROWSE to scroll through a playlist.
  • Turn SHIFT + BROWSE to scroll 10 rows at a time.
  • Press LOAD to load track into that deck (which must not be playing)
  • Press SHIFT + BROWSE to open/close library folder
  • Press SHIFT + LOAD to select prev/next library folders

Headphone cueing

  • Use HEADPHONE SELECT A and HEADPHONE SELECT B to toggle headphone cueing for that deck.
  • Use HEADPHONE SELECT MASTER to turn on/off inclusion of master in headphones.


Open the Pioneer-DDJ-WeGO3-scripts.js in a text editor and cange the settings near the top of the file.

When you save the file, Mixxx will reload it immediately.

TODO / Known bugs

  • Turn on CUE and PLAY LEDs
  • Show active deck indicator on controller using blue or red platter LEDs
  • When there's still platter movement after releasing touch, it's interpreted as ring movement.
  • allow adjustment of brake factor
  • trigger backspin if enough velocity detected during scratch
  • allow toggling FX when tapping, and temporary hold of FX when holding
  • preview track in headphones after clicking browse


This mapping is released under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for more details.